Connected & committed to Australia

This Scholarship is designed to attract and extend the abilities of students who wish to build and strengthen Australia as a nation and to give back to Australia through the application of their skills. 

    Family's connection to Australia

    The Panel is interested to hear about how your family is linked to Australia.  This may mean generations of history or alternatively an appreciation of the life Australia gives to your family. 

    They would also like to know about any contributions your family make, both within their local community or a wider area and how this strengthens their ties to Australia.

    Personal connection to your community

    At this stage in your life you are more likely to have made commitments within your community rather than to Australia generally so the Panel would like to hear about how you connect with your community and how you feel you make a contribution. 

    In particular, the Panel would like to see examples where you have used your talents and energy to give back to your family, school, local or wider community. For example, volunteering, mentoring, fundraising, active involvement in sporting or other clubs, societies, music or drama groups, community classes, helping out a local event or shop, working on your family tree or local history, or creative works about the local or wider community.

    The Panel would also like your brief thoughts on how you might see yourself giving back to Australia in the future.


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