Get Involved
There are lots of ways to stay connected and involved with our vibrant Tuckwell community.
Alumni Committee
The Tuckwell Alumni Committee contributes to building an engaged and supportive alumni community by working in partnership with the Tuckwell Scholarship Program and the wider University. Our Committee members provide advice, insight and contributions, and act in an ambassadorial capacity within the Tuckwell and ANU alumni community.
The role of the Committee is to:
• increase awareness and involvement: enhance the visibility and participation of Tuckwell Alumni in the events and activities of the program.
• organise and host events: plan and host events that engage and celebrate Alumni both domestically and internationally.
• review and recommend: evaluate alumni engagement strategies and activities and provide recommendations to improve their effectiveness.
Who is on your Committee?

Matthew Bowes
2015 Tuckwell Scholar
Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Senior Analyst at Parliamentary Budget Office
Caitlyn Baljak
2017 Tuckwell Scholar
Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Science
Emissions Removal Manager at ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solution

Want to know more? Review the Alumni Committee Terms of Reference or contact us at
Want to be part of the Committee? Stay tuned! We are running an Expression of Interest for members at the end of 2024.
Mentoring Program
The Tuckwell Mentor Program connects alumni with scholars for knowledge exchange and support across various fields. Tailored guidance is provided to scholars in their final two years, utilising alumni expertise. The program aims to enable alumni to give back while empowering scholars for success. This program will be launched in the second half of 2024.
Want to know more or register your interest? Contact us at
Sharing your expertise
As you may remember from your time in the program, Scholars get so much out of hearing from our exceptional Alumni community. The program runs a suite of panel events throughout where Alumni experience, stories, and expertise are shared. These include, but are not limited to:
- International Women’s Day
- Tuckwell Networks Event
- Senior Scholars Symposium
- Professional development workshops and information sessions
We welcome all our Alumni to consider ways they can share their experiences with current scholars. Got an idea or want to be involved? Email us at