How to apply

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We’re looking for diverse, talented and motivated people who possess 
he Tuckwell attributes and are deeply connected and committed to Australia.

How to apply

We realise everyone is dealt a different hand in life. In our view, it is not the hand you are dealt that counts but what you do with it.

In our search for Scholars, we are looking for people who have done the best with what was available to them and have a clear sense of what their future should look like. We wish to select a diverse cohort, comprising students of all different backgrounds, personalities and interests, who will actively engage with life at Scholars House.

All eligible applicants are considered against four criteria:

  1. Academic potential and achievements;
  2. Other significant achievements of any type;
  3. Demonstration of the Tuckwell Attributes; and
  4. Connection and commitment to Australia.


Applying in 2025 to commence at ANU in 2026

Before commencing an application, you should:

  1. Review the Conditions of Award;
  2. Read the Tuckwell Scholarship Application Guide;
  3. Discuss your interest, suitability and eligibility for the Scholarship with a teacher, principal, Head of Year or careers counsellor.

To apply to commence study at ANU on a Tuckwell Scholarship in 2026, you must:

  1. Complete and submit the ANU Direct Application as soon as possible and before 10 April 2025 AND
  2. Complete and submit the Tuckwell Scholarship Stage 1 Application Form as soon as possible and before 11:59pm AEST 14 April 2025.

The ANU Direct Application will ask if you wish to apply for a Tuckwell Scholarship to which you must answer “yes” if you wish to apply. Within 3-5 business days of you submitting your ANU Direct Application you will be invited to the Tuckwell Scholarship Stage 1 Application Form via email. The sooner you submit your ANU Direct Application, the sooner you can access the Tuckwell Scholarship Stage 1 Application Form.

There are then three stages to the Tuckwell application:

Stage 1 – opens 3 March 2025 and closes on 14 April 2025

Stage 1 asks you for personal details and information on your academic and extra-curricular activities. If, after submission, you are longlisted in Stage 1, we will seek further information from your Head of Year or equivalent. Your Head of Year or equivalent will only need to supply this information if contacted by the program. This information will be taken into account to determine the 150 candidates who will progress to Stage 2. Noting the ANU direct application must be submitted by 10 April 2025

Stage 2 – opens 14 May 2025 and closes 23 May 2025

Stage 2 asks longer questions that give the Selection Panel insight into who you are in addition to your achievements. It also includes a reference from your Principal. Your principal will be contacted by the program and will need to supply their reference by the due date in May. This information will be taken into account to determine the 50 candidates who will progress to Stage 3.

Stage 3 – held 11-13 July 2025

Traditionally, Stage 3 is an in-person interview at ANU. Precise details will be sent to shortlisted candidates in mid-June. In the interview, the Selection Panel will get to know you, including how you best demonstrate the Tuckwell attributes and your connection and commitment to Australia. The final selection of candidates is based on individual fit but also a selection of a balanced and diverse cohort of students. This information will be taken into account to determine the 25 Tuckwell Scholars for 2026.

Contacting Referees

We strongly advise that you contact your potential referees well in advance of the application deadline(s) so they can learn more about the application process and start preparing your reference at the earliest opportunity.