Sarah Marshall (née Campbell) (2014)

Scholar Profile

Program of study:
B Science (Advanced) Alum
Commencing year:
New South Wales

 Sarah Marshall is an experienced policy adviser in the Australian Public Service. Growing up in the Bega Valley, she studied chemistry at the ANU and graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (First Class Honours) in 2017, completing several research internships during her degree. Following the completion of her degree, Sarah successfully obtained a graduate position at the Department of the Environment and Energy. During her graduate year, Sarah worked in a variety of policy areas, led a whole-of-government data network and found her passion in public policy.
 Sarah now works as an Executive-Level Adviser in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, where she develops innovative and exciting policies which have a positive impact on the lives of many Australians. She is also completing a Master of Politics and Policy. In the future, Sarah hopes to continue to shape interesting and impactful policies,  and mentor others to help achieve their personal and professional goals. Sarah lives with her husband, Paul, and cat, and enjoys running, playing music and baking.